Daily PokerStars tournaments with large guaranteed prize pools

Daily PokerStars tournaments with large guaranteed prize pools

Daily Bigs tournaments from PokerStars are just perfect for all the fans of standard tournament structures and large prize pools. Impressive prize pools are paid in The Daily Bigs tournament series every day. Moreover, every Sunday Daily Bigs prize pools are growing twice in their size.

The buy-in of The Daily Bigs tournaments on PokerStars are in range from $2.20 (for The Big $2,20 tournament with a prize pool of $3.000) to $109 (for The Big $109 tournament with a prize poll of $80.000), that’s why anyone will be able to participate in Daily Bigs tournaments. You’re also be able to get to one of the tournaments through daily satellites.

The Daily Bigs tournaments are always available in the lobby via the Tournaments - Regular tab. For a quick search you can enter the “Big” word in the search field and see a full list of tournaments:

The Daily Bigs tournaments at PokerStars lobby

One of the PokerStars main features is the increase of prize pool for every regular tournament on Sunday.

The Daily Bigs tournaments on PokerStars schedule

You can see The Daily Bigs tournament schedule below:

Tournament Buy-in Time Guaranteed prize pool
The Big $3,30 $3,30 1:00 ВВ $5 000
The Big $16,50 $16,50 3:30 ВВ $12 500
The Big $33 $33 6:00 ВВ $20 000
The Big $44 $44 7:00 ВВ $20 000
The Big $5,50 $5,50 9:00 ВВ $20 000
The Big $75 $75 10:00 ВВ $30 000
The Big $8,80 $8,80 11:00 ВВ $30 000
The Big $22 $22 12:00 ВВ $50 000
The Big $109 $109 13:00 ВВ $80 000
The Big $11 $11 14:00 ВВ $65 000
The Big $55 $55 15:00 ВВ $80 000
The Big $162 $162 16:00 ВВ $80 000
The Big $4,40 $4,40 18:00 ВВ $10 000
The Big $27,50 $27,50 20:00 ВВ $20 000
The Big $2,20 $2,20 20:30 ВВ $3 000

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