The Canadian won jackpot of $116,935.59 at Full Tilt

The Canadian won jackpot of $116,935.59 at Full Tilt

On September 15 went out the name of the first jackpot-winner within The Deal promotion that from now on will be held at Full Tilt on regular basis. The lucky dog was the Canadian under the nickname “dbecks23ex” who was fortunate enough to snatch the jackpot of $116,935.59.

It's worth mentioning that the victory of the Canadian came as a pleasant surprise for many players: according to the rules of the promotion, everybody who pushed his luck in the Deal Jackpot within the last 12 hours has distributed the sum equal to the sum of the jackpot. So 7,324 players have divided $116,935, and each got a little more than $15.

The Canadian won jackpot of $116,935.59 at Full Tilt

Some details about The Deal at Full Tilt

Somewhat a month ago the administration of Full Tilt has launched a new loyalty program called "Players Club" aimed at the recreational clients' retention. "The Deal" permanent special offer has also became a part of the program: within the special offer each player can get a chance to win a huge number of prizes and compete for a great jackpot.

In order to take part you are to pay 20 FTP points: afterwards you'll get 7 closed cards. Your task is to get rid of the two odd cards and complete the combination using the rest. The minimal prize is a ticket to a satellite that can be obtained if making a combination "Ace High”

According to Dominique Mansur, the director of Full Tilt, the administration of the poker room has gathered lots of positive reviews about the new special offer over the last month and the number of the hands played at "The Deal" will soon exceed 500 000.

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