Mini-game The Deal is live on PokerStars

Mini-game The Deal is live on PokerStars

The Deal (for more info you may check The Deal at Full Tilt article) is a mini-game with a progressive jackpot, where players are able to 'spin the reel' hoping to win the main prize. The game was the basis of loyalty program of Full Tilt and now it is live on PokerStars.

The users of 'The Red Spade' are able to pay 7 or 70 StarCoins for playing the game, where they will get seven cards face down. Then a player have to select two cards to be discarded and five-card poker hand, which defines the final prize, will be revealed. Just high card gives you nothing, pairs give prizes in StarCoins and stronger combinations like flush bring you money rewards. You can also auto-play The Deal. Select how many times you want to play and your poker hands will be automatically dealt to you.

In case the player is lucky enough to get straight flush, he would be transferred to the next stage of the game The Deal Jackpot, where they have a chance to hit jackpot. Minimal amount of the main prize of $25,000. It increases by 3 cents every time someone enters the game. In case you win jackpot, 50% of it will be credited to you with remaining 50% in equal shares between everyone who played The Deal within the latest 12 hours.

Gaming process of The Deal in screenshots:

PokerStars The Deal tutorial

Click 'Play Now' to start the game. You can change the buy-in to 70 StarsCoin for better prizes and a higher chance of advancing to the Jackpot Round.

PokerStars The Deal prizes

Buy-in selection:

PokerStars The Deal buy-in selection

Select two cards to remove

PokerStars The Deal - Select two cards to remove

Showdown and prize in case you have a winning hand

PokerStars The Deal - winning hand

Till this moment The Deal was the only distinctive feature between PokerStars and Full Tilt, which was transferred to this platform. Functional and the offers of the both poker rooms are identical now.

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