Poker Stars: where can be found a cashier and how to download PokerStars with real money

Poker Stars: where can be found a cashier and how to download PokerStars with real money

You can make a deposit to PokerStars only by using the ‘Cashier’, which is an individual personal dashboard of every user. Within the Cashier you will not only be able to see your player’s balance and currencies that you use to play at the largest online poker room in the world, but your current VIP level as well.

However, oftentimes there are situations, when the PokerStars Cashier is not displayed after the installation of poker room’s software. Then players start to flood search engines with the requests like ‘poker stars where’s the cashier’ or ‘where’s the cashier PokerStars’. This issue can be solved pretty easily though. Most often the reason why the Cashier button is not available in your PokerStars client is the wrong version of the game client (i.e. you have downloaded the software which supports only the play money games). You will not be able to play real money games from this version of software, since it’s simply not supported by the software itself.

If you want to play real money poker games at PokerStars, you will need to download the PokerStars client with the Cashier. After that, ‘where’s the cashier at PokerStars’ question will by solved by itself.

Download Poker Stars with the cashier →

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