How Well Can You Spot Your Poker Tells?

How Well Can You Spot Your Poker Tells?

Poker is more than just a game of cards and numbers. It’s all about reading the other players and knowing when to make the next move. Therefore, it’s a game that can take years and years to perfect. One of the first things you should look for, however, is a poker tell.

A tell is something which gives the game away. It’s an expression, a change in demeanour, a shift in the way that a player is sitting. They say that all poker players have tells, and the best players use these to guess whether or not their opponents have winning hands or not.

Whether you’re at a real casino or are playing casino table games at Slottyvegas, there are a million and one ways to work poker to your advantage. However, when up against real opponents, get looking for the following tells and giveaways.

Check the Chatter

You’d think that someone talking strategy while playing is likely to be a pro at the game. However, this is seldom the case. Bluffers and newbies will likely try and chat up a big game by throwing out terminology and insisting on their knowledge.

It’s safe to say that the best players, and those who are used to winning big, will keep their mouths shut. Never trust a silent poker player.

Check the Chips

Are your players fumbling around with their chips? That tends to be a nervous move that can give away how well they are playing. What’s more, anyone glancing more than once at their chip stack is likely to be in a good position.

Any player keeping a close eye on their chips, involuntarily, is going to stake big. Therefore, be ready to fold or stay out of their way.

Check the Wrist Action

Want to know when a player is likely to throw their hand in? They likely already have their wrists poised and ready to go. Check how a player holds their wrists. If it looks like they are prepared to throw their cards across the table, they are likely proud of their hands.

This is one of the biggest tells, for many people. However, it’s one that even experienced players can fall prey to. It pays to not appear too eager, on the whole.

Avoiding The Tells Yourself

Building up a poker face takes time and effort. In fact, one of the best ways you can build this wall of defence is to play the game online, in a faceless room. Learn to build up a resistance to giving away.

You’re going to need to check your behaviour precisely. Don’t get over-excited or too downhearted depending on what you draw. Fix your eyes and draw a neutral expression. It might be tempting to overact negatively if you have a fantastic hand, but this is another huge tell.

Body language plays a lot into poker. Therefore, make sure to get your own in check and to learn what others have to say when playing them!


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