Download PokerStars with cashier

Download PokerStars with cashier

A lot of those people who have created an account at PokerStars using social networks (twitter, facebook) face the following problem: there’s no Cashier in the PokerStars client lobby. They start buzzing search engines and forums with requests like ‘download PokerStars with Cashier’, ‘PokerStars: where’s the Cashier button’ and etc. The cashier button might be missing owing to one simple reason: PokerStars officially operates within websites for real money game and for virtual as well.

  • is a website for real money game. If you wish to download the cashier-version of PokerStars, you have to go to this website and create a new account.
  • is a website that offers game for virtual money only. This is the very website you might see on all banner ads. There’s no cashier button on website.

It’s very often prohibited to advertise PokerStars for real money within any media. That’s why the website version for virtual money (play money) contributes to brand building.

Download PokerStars with cashier →

Marketing code PokerStars:

PokerStars is the world’s biggest and most reliable online poker room, where everybody may find the game which suits the best. This is due to the fact that PokerStars attracts more players than any other poker room.

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